Economics/Personal Finance


Have you ever wondered why some businesses (and individuals!) thrive and make millions while others struggle just to survive? Understanding economics and the way the various economic systems work may answer that very question. Economics deals with the way in which individuals, households, firms, industries, and governments decide to employ their given talents and material resources to best satisfy their many needs. A fuller understanding of economics will enable you to understand and evaluate the U.S. economy and to participate in it more fully. Experience interesting activities and the challenge of computer and stock market simulations. You will discover that there is more than one way to organize an economy and that the successful U.S. model, which is organized around the private sector, is just one of several possibilities available.


Personal Finance

Prepares students to make sound financial decisions by researching, evaluating, and analyzing real-world financial situations in order to achieve realistic short-term and long-term goals. Students will utilize decision-making skills and relevant resources regarding careers, financial planning, maintaining financial records, spending, saving, and investing while realizing the consequences of credit, debit, identity theft, and the impact of taxes, insurance, and loan options and choices.


AP MacroEconomics

AP Macroeconomics is a course designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the principles of economics in examining aggregate economic behavior. Students taking the course can expect to learn how the measures of economic performance, such as GDP, inflation, and unemployment, are constructed and how to apply them to evaluate the macroeconomic conditions of an economy. Students will also learn the basic analytical tools of macroeconomics, primarily the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model and its application in the analysis and determination of national income, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of fiscal policy and monetary policy in promoting economic growth and stability. Recognizing the global nature of economics, students will also have ample opportunities to examine the impact of international trade and international finance on national economies. Various economic schools of thought are introduced as solutions to economic problems are considered.

Syllabus Approved by College Board