don't let absences sneak up on you

Attendance: Our Yield Depends On It

By: Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent


As autumn paints South Dakota with stunning hues of gold, green, and red, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new school year—a season of growth and learning. Just as farmers nurture their crops to reap a bountiful harvest, we, too, are focusing on the essential elements that cultivate success for your child.

This school year, our schools are focusing on the little things that matter when planting, cultivating, and harvesting. Our “yield” depends on it. One of the most critical factors in a student’s academic success is daily attendance, which is something all stakeholders in the Sioux Falls School District must agree to work on together this year.

We understand the importance of attendance and the impact it has on your child's academic journey. Chronic absenteeism, defined as missing two or more school days in a month or 18 days in a year, can hinder your child's progress. It's disheartening to see even a handful of students missing more than half of the school year, which amounts to approximately 100 out of the 179 required school days in Sioux Falls.

Attendance is so concerning that recently, we secured a substantial $1.5 Million grant to tackle chronic absenteeism over the next three years. To support our students, we are implementing intensive interventions in four elementary schools and two middle schools.

The bulk of this grant will enable us to employ six dedicated Attendance Liaisons. These professionals will go the extra mile—making phone calls, knocking on doors, offering rides, and eliminating any barriers that may hinder a student's ability to attend school. In just their first month, these liaisons have already made numerous meaningful connections and found solutions to assist students and their families.

In education, we are reminded to “Remember our why.”  Our “why” is your child’s future. Your student deserves every opportunity to be successful, and lost learning time significantly increases the risk of students dropping out. And, like you, we do not want any child to consider that as an option.

Establishing solid and trusting relationships takes time so students feel like they belong in school. We are committed to taking the time to get to know your child and their needs. Instruction, assignments, and experiments must be engaging, interesting, and relevant to the real world. Every day is a new opportunity to show up and grow their knowledge.

Together as a community, we must make daily school attendance a non-negotiable priority. We invite parents, staff, civic and elected leaders, and business owners to collectively embrace the responsibility of ensuring consistent attendance. The education of our future workforce depends on it, and together, we will reap a bountiful harvest of knowledge and a high yield of success.